
Who is placing
job ads?

The current analysis is based on 13,183 job advertisements employers posted in late February. The HR department itself searched for candidates to fill over half of the positions, and hired a recruitment firm to handle the search and initial selection for a little less than one in ten. Recruitment firms were utilized less often than before the pandemic. Most likely, companies have further professionalized their HR departments, and hire service providers only to handle highly specialized positions. In roughly a quarter of the advertised positions, job seekers were employed later at a temporary employment agency (26.4 %).

The sector of the future employer was clearly stated in three out of four job advertisements. Recruiting departments in the healthcare and social services fields posted the most positions in February (13.4 %), followed by the sectors of business and corporate services (10.0 %) and mechanical engineering and vehicle construction (8.3 %).

Quelle: DEKRA Akademie 2023
Basis: 13.183 Stellenangebote

Master craftsman's certificate is a sure bet

Applicants required management expertise for almost one tenth of positions.  Companies searched for project leaders and project managers with particular frequency (23.5 %). This percentage has, however, dropped significantly compared to the last analysis. In 2022, roughly a third of management positions were directed towards job seekers interested in project management. This was the highest percentage of such positions since the analysis began, most likely a catch-up effect as the economy slowly came back to life. In light of uncertain prospects, employers are likely dragging their feet somewhat in rehiring for or creating new project management positions.

Job seekers with advanced training will find good opportunities on the labor market. Companies in the construction sector, industry and the trades are currently looking for construction managers, polishers, and master craftsmen for management positions. The percentage of such open positions has never been higher since the analysis began (9.5 % and 6.5 %). Prospects for the future remain bright: Supervisory positions for structural and civil engineering are among the areas experiencing shortfalls. The trades also often have difficulty filling their open positions for master craftsmen. An analysis by the Kompetenzzentrum Fachkräftesicherung (KOFA) showed that there were no appropriately qualified job seekers nationwide for half of such positions in 2021.