Occupational area 3
12.1 % of total positions (+0.0 compared to 2022)
Average 2008- 2023: 12.3 %
Top 5 professions: 1. Personnel administrator, recruiter | 2. Freight and logistics service agents | 3. Tax experts, tax specialists | 4. Office management clerks | 5. Purchasing clerks, purchasers
Specialization pays off
For the first time, clerks were second among all 28 occupational areas. HR specialists and recruiters are currently in 16th position in the overall rankings (2022: 10). Freight and logistics services agents also remain in demand – similar to developments in warehouse logistics, employers need their expertise to organize cargo handling.
People with a knack for numbers currently enjoy the best opportunities: All specializations in accounting saw increases, with financial accounting in the top spot. Both companies and tax firms are urgently looking for employees. There are shortfalls in tax consulting professions at every level of qualification. This is notable in administration as well: There, tax specialists and experts can choose from almost twice as many job advertisements as in 2022.
Assistant professions are bringing up the rear. The drop was seen in particular among general office assistants. Many of their classic duties, such as travel booking, have been made simpler by digitization, and employees can often complete them themselves.
Quelle: DEKRA Akademie 2023
Basis: 1.590 Stellenangebote
Quelle: DEKRA Akademie 2023