Energy crisis
heats up demands
We are surrounded by electronics. They are in our buildings, equipment, and vehicles. That means there is a lot for electronics technicians to do. They have been in demand for quite some time for this reason, and have been among the top 10 professions since 2012. The problem of a lack of trained professionals is worsening, with developments such as electric mobility, the growth in renewable energies, and smart homes. The lack of specialists in building electrical systems, for example, is one of the most relevant issues for the expansion of solar and wind energy technologies. There is a shortage of around 17,000 specialists in this area, according to a study by the Kompetenzzentrum Fachkräftesicherung (KOFA).
In which areas are employers seeking electronics specialists associated with the energy and climate transformation? What requirements do employers have, and what additional services can they expect for their new position? The full texts of 350 online job advertisements for electronics technicians were analyzed for the DEKRA labor market report in order to answer this question. Only job advertisements with descriptions containing at least one term related to the climate revolution were included, such as “renewable energy” or “electric mobility.”