Who is looking for
e-Commerce employees ?
Working frequently, but not only in retail
As expected, companies whose core business is online retail are the ones most commonly seeking new employees. Just under half of vacancies in the sample are at operators of online shops and platforms (46.9 %). Advertisements from employees in wholesale and retail follow at second and third place; roughly one out of ten employees sought will work in these areas later on. The other open positions are spread out across industries, from food and drink to corporate services to machine and vehicle construction to IT.
Not all of the advertisements clearly stated the field in which applicants would be working. Around a third of future employers directs their online presence towards consumers (35.1 %), and a fifth towards B2B customers. Some companies serve B2B and B2C customers alike (10.3 %).
Employers searching for their own workers
Employers are the ones conducting the searches for nine out of ten open positions. Occasionally, they commission a staff recruiting firm to find matching candidates (5.7 %). There are only a few job advertisements from temporary employment agencies in the sample. The labor market situation may have become less strained after several large platform operators laid off some of the many employees they added during the pandemic. Employers may be preferring permanent hires in this area, since specialists need to become highly familiar with their processes and product portfolios, and need to have good internal networks.
Quelle: DEKRA Akademie 2023
Basis: 350 Stellenangebote