Required Soft Skills

Motivation to handle new ideas
and situations each day

Employers value the soft skills of their e-commerce employees very highly. There are five characteristics in particular that seem to be priorities: When looking for future employees, they value workers who can work independently and reliably, and who show good motivation. In an environment where correct data is essential and where processes need to work smoothly, these characteristics are essential. The same is true of communication skills, combined with a clear focus on service and customer needs, which is essential when an employee is in contact with customers or partners.    

E-commerce employees also need to be creative to develop new marketing ideas or solutions. With good analytic thinking skills, they can identify trends early on and use suitable KPIs to measure the success of different sales channels.  


Quelle: DEKRA Akademie 2023
Basis: 350 Stellenangebote (Mehrfachnennungen)